Por la polémica desatada en la portada de importante revista Americana Newsweek, la transcribimos sin comentario alguno, juzgue usted.
Newsweek’s “Jesus in Time Square”: Is There a Larger Meaning Here?
Revista Newsweek´s: "Jesús en Time Square":¿existe un significado más amplio aquí?
I don’t know about you but it’s very hard for me to consider this photo-illustration in terms of the text premise, especially set as it is in New York City in the middle of the street in Times Square. It does feel like they’re on to something though.
Let’s see. You perch a Guy Fawkes mask on his head and get Occupy. You darken his skin a little, put a hood on his jacket and get a civil rights activist. You give him a three-cornered hat and get a Tea Partier. You put a HOPE button on his jacket and get a four-year member of Obama for America. Is this cover about an American failure of leadership or purpose?
How do you read this?
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